利用 Cloudflare Workers 创建临时邮箱
- 使用 Cloudflare Pages 部署前端
- 使用 Cloudflare Workers 部署后端
- email 转发使用 Cloudflare Email Route
- Cloudflare D1 作为数据库。
- 免费版附件过大会造成 Exceeded CPU Limit 错误
This is a temporary email service that uses Cloudflare Workers to create a temporary email address and view the received email in web browser.
DB – Cloudflare D1
# create a database, and copy the output to wrangler.toml in the next step
wrangler d1 create dev
wrangler d1 execute dev --file=db/schema.sql
Backend – Cloudflare workers
cd worker
pnpm install
# copy wrangler.toml.template to wrangler.toml
# and add your d1 config and these config
# PREFIX = "tmp" - the email create will be like tmp<xxxxx>@DOMAIN
# DOMAIN = "" - you domain name
# JWT_SECRET = "xxx"
cp wrangler.toml.template wrangler.toml
# deploy
pnpm run deploy
you can find and test the worker’s url in the workers dashboard
enable email route and config email forward catch-all to the worker
Frontend – Cloudflare pages
cd frontend
pnpm install
# add .env.local and modify VITE_API_BASE to your worker's url
# VITE_API_BASE= - don't put / in the end
cp .env.example .env.local
pnpm build --emptyOutDir
cd ..
pnpm run deploy
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